Saturday, January 30, 2010

why.... i always crapping so much these days
cant stand my jokes? sit down then.. >_>

been re-watching Glee today.
another thing me and Kenneth have in common after he discovered it
episode 6 - Vitamin D .some part of the show has something to do with both of us.LOL!

i bless others cuz im blessed.get it? so if anyone finds out im doing something's cuz others been blessing me in that area
sometimes i do it cuz i WANT to
not cuz i have to

Spent rm38 talking to Kel and Krys last night o.O lol! aussie accent and all.
wth jokes and crap -_-"
erm.May should come NOW! not so long ):

should go and study now....

i've been thinking bout you
and how we used to be

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